Political and social outcomes of the end of the Vietnam War - does anyone have any web sites for me to look at?


Just so u know wikepedia is not a trust worthy site i have failed entire papers because of false information on the site. Any one can add false info to it

Certainly! There are several reliable websites you can explore to find information about the political and social outcomes of the end of the Vietnam War. Here are a few recommended sources:

1. History.com - Visit the Vietnam War section on History.com, which provides comprehensive articles covering various aspects of the war and its consequences. Look for articles specifically discussing the political and social outcomes.

2. The National Archives - The National Archives' website offers a trove of historical documents related to the Vietnam War. You can search for specific documents or explore collections related to politics and society during the war.

3. Digital History - Digital History is an online resource that covers American history, including the Vietnam War. It provides concise summaries of key events and their impact on the political and social landscape.

4. The Vietnam War Summit - The Vietnam War Summit website, created by the LBJ Presidential Library, offers in-depth information on the war and its consequences. It includes interviews, photos, and primary documents to help you gain a better understanding of the post-war outcomes.

Remember to critically evaluate the information you find on these websites and cross-reference it with other reputable sources to ensure accuracy and reliability.