I need to now what is the poem of full powers about...

the poem is by pablo neruda
translated by Ben Belitt and Alastair Reid
I already read this poem but i don't really understand it.
So please help me ASAP

You're going to have to use capital letters and quotation marks to indicate the exact title. I can't decipher what you posted.

"The poem of the Full Powers by Pablo Neruda"

I need to know what is the poem about?

I already read this poem but i don't really understand it :(

That still doesn't make much sense.

PLEASE TYPE ONLY THE TITLE -- no other words.

Full Powers


Read about Pablo Neruda's background:

Once you know about his background, the poem should make better sense.

i am weary neigher of being or non being

To understand a poem, it is important to analyze its themes, literary devices, and the overall message it conveys. However, without the full text of the poem "Full Powers" by Pablo Neruda and the specific translation you are referring to by Ben Belitt and Alastair Reid, I cannot provide a detailed analysis. Nevertheless, I can guide you through a general approach to understanding and analyzing a poem.

1. Read the poem multiple times: Poetry often contains layers of meaning, so reading it more than once allows you to grasp its main ideas and appreciate its nuances.

2. Identify the poem's structure: Analyze the poem's form, such as the number of stanzas, lines per stanza, rhyme scheme, or meter. Understanding the structure can give you insights into the poet's intended rhythm or emphasis.

3. Examine the title: The title can provide crucial clues to the poem's subject or theme. Consider how it relates to the content of the poem.

4. Highlight key phrases and imagery: Identify any metaphors, similes, symbols, or other poetic devices used in the poem. Reflect on their potential meanings and how they contribute to the overall message.

5. Consider the historical context: Research the poet's life, political, and social background, as well as the time period when the poem was written. Understanding the context can shed light on the underlying themes or motivations.

6. Look for recurring themes or motifs: Pay attention to any recurring ideas, images, or symbols throughout the poem. These can provide insight into the poet's intended message or emotional tone.

7. Read critical interpretations: Seek out literary criticism or academic analyses of the poem to gain different perspectives and deepen your understanding. This can help you identify elements you might have missed or offer alternative interpretations.

Remember, the interpretation of a poem can be subjective, and different readers may find different meanings. It is important to engage with the poem personally, while also considering the context and literary devices used by the poet.