Is the measured normal consistency lies in the range for the Portland cements?

To determine if the measured normal consistency lies within the range for Portland cements, you would need to compare the measured normal consistency value with the specified range for Portland cements.

Here is how you can find the answer:

1. Understand Normal Consistency: Normal consistency is a measure of the water content required to achieve a specific plasticity or consistency in a cement paste. It is typically expressed as a percentage of the weight of the cement.

2. Determine the specified range: Different types or grades of Portland cements may have different specified ranges for normal consistency. These ranges are usually provided by standards organizations or cement manufacturers. You can refer to the relevant standard (e.g. ASTM C150 for American standards) or product specifications to find the specified range for the Portland cement you are interested in.

3. Measure the normal consistency: Perform the standard test procedure to measure the normal consistency of the Portland cement sample. This usually involves gradually adding water to a fixed portion of the cement and determining the water content at which the consistency becomes a specific standard value (usually around 30-33% for Portland cements).

4. Compare the measured value: Once you have obtained the measured normal consistency value, compare it to the specified range for Portland cements. If the measured value falls within the specified range, then it is considered to be within the acceptable range for that type of cement. If the measured value is outside the specified range, it may indicate that the cement does not conform to the desired consistency requirements.

Remember, the specific range for normal consistency may vary depending on the type, grade, or application of the Portland cement. Therefore, it is important to refer to the relevant standards or product specifications to obtain the accurate range for the specific cement you are working with.