Name the property of inequality that justifies the following statement: If BC+DE<FG+DE, then BC<FG.

Subtraction Property of Inequality?

Name the properties that justify the steps taken. AB=EF; thereforeAB+CD=EF+CD

If 7 + a = 2 then a = -5?

Identify the property of inequality illustrated by the following.

________1. If x +9 < 14, then x + 9 – 9 < 14 – 9

Yes, the property that justifies the statement is the Subtraction Property of Inequality.

To understand how this property applies in this scenario, let's break it down step by step:

1. Start with the given inequality: BC + DE < FG + DE.

2. We can subtract DE from both sides of the inequality, as long as we do it to both the left and right sides. This is where the Subtraction Property of Inequality comes into play.

(BC + DE) - DE < (FG + DE) - DE.

Simplifying the equation, we get:
BC < FG + DE - DE.

3. Note that DE - DE equals 0, so we can simplify further:

BC < FG + 0.

4. Any number added to 0 is equal to the initial number, so we have:

BC < FG.

Therefore, the Subtraction Property of Inequality justifies the statement that if BC + DE < FG + DE, then BC < FG.