One of the angles in a right triangle has a measure of 73 degrees. What is the measure of the other acute angle?

180 - (73 + 90) = ?

18 is the answer

answer is 17

Two of the angles in a triangle measure 90° and 78°. What is the measure of the third angle?


Two of the angles in a triangle measure 90° and 78°. What is the measure of the third angle?


To find the measure of the other acute angle in a right triangle, we need to remember that the sum of the measures of the angles in any triangle is always 180 degrees.

In a right triangle, one of the angles is a right angle, which measures 90 degrees. This leaves the other two angles to have a combined measure of 90 degrees.

Given that one of the angles in the right triangle measures 73 degrees, we can find the measure of the other acute angle by subtracting 73 from 90:

90 degrees - 73 degrees = 17 degrees

Therefore, the measure of the other acute angle in the right triangle is 17 degrees.