What araes in the world are most likely to be effected by rising sea levels? What groups of people sometimes live in these areas?

Wouldn't islands most likely be affected?

thanks... but what about the type of people that live there?

Islands without mountains and river deltas will be most affected.

The Maldives, Tuamotu islands and Bangladesh, and (in the U.S.) Louisiana, will suffer greatly. Large areas may disappear.

Many people living in those areas make their living fishing, tourism, and agriculture and aquaculture.

thanks! :)

To determine which areas in the world are most likely to be affected by rising sea levels, you can consider a few key factors:

1. Coastal areas: Regions located near coastlines are typically more vulnerable to the impacts of rising sea levels. This includes low-lying coastal plains, deltas, and small islands.

2. Subsidence: Areas that are already experiencing land subsidence (sinking) exacerbate the problem of rising sea levels, as the relative sea level rise is further amplified.

3. Population density: Highly populated coastal areas face greater risks due to the concentration of people and infrastructure.

Based on these factors, some areas that are most likely to be affected by rising sea levels include:

1. Low-lying countries and regions: Countries such as the Maldives, Tuvalu, and the Netherlands have large portions of their land situated close to or below current sea levels.

2. Coastal cities: Major coastal cities, including Miami in the United States, Shanghai in China, and Dhaka in Bangladesh, are at significant risk due to their size, population density, and low-lying nature.

3. Small island nations: Many small islands, such as the Pacific island nations of Kiribati and the Marshall Islands, are already experiencing the impacts of rising sea levels and are at risk of being submerged in the future.

Groups of people who often live in these vulnerable areas include:

1. Indigenous communities: Many indigenous communities inhabit coastal areas and small islands and have been affected by the consequences of rising sea levels.

2. Fishing communities: Coastal regions often have communities heavily reliant on fishing as their primary source of livelihood. These communities are particularly vulnerable as their access to resources is threatened by rising sea levels.

3. Urban populations: Coastal cities are home to millions of people who live and work in these areas. They rely on infrastructure, including ports, airports, and businesses, which are all at risk from rising sea levels.

It's worth noting that these are just general classifications, and the specific regions and populations affected by rising sea levels may vary. Ongoing research and assessments are continuously refining our understanding of the potential impacts of climate change on different parts of the world.