what should i change paso to in number 10 thanks

Como hacer un batido de fresas y kiwis

1. Primero, necesitas tener una licuadora, cinco kiwis, seis fresas, jugo de naranja, hielo, un cuchillo, y unos vasos.

2. Despues, corta las fresas

3. Ahora corta en rodajas los kiwis en el medio y saca afuera los kiwis con la cuchara

4. Pon las frutas en la licuadora

5. Toma un poco de hielo y pon el hielo en la licadora

6. Ahora, echa un vaso de jugo de naranja en la licuadora

7. Pon la tapa en la licuadora

8. Enciende la licuadora

9. Despues de estar listo, echa el batido en los vasos

10. Finalmente, pasar los vasos a los invitados.

For Further Reading

spanish - drwls, Friday, December 14, 2007 at 5:18pm

In #5, you misspelled licuaroda, but it is OK in #7. I am not sure if "tomar" is the best verb choice for #5 (since it also means "drink"), nor if "pasar" is the best for #10, but they are probably OK. Either way, you can probably expect SraJMcGin to give you a better answer later

Try distribute - distribuir. Don't forget to conjugate.

tomar is also to take so it's OK in #5.

I like Michael's "distribuir" = Since you've been using tú (affirmative) commands, distribuye.

or = pase = pass



Where do I put in distibuye and in number 10 do i change to pase or pass?

In number 10, you would like to change the word "paso" to a different word. Based on the context, it seems like you want to change it to a different verb that conveys the action of giving or handing over the glasses to the guests.

To find an appropriate verb, you can use an online Spanish-English dictionary or a translation tool. One popular tool is Google Translate.

1. Open a web browser and go to the Google Translate website (translate.google.com).
2. Select the language pair by choosing Spanish as the source language and English as the target language.
3. Type in the word "paso" in the translation box.
4. Click on the "Translate" button or press Enter.
5. The translation will appear in the box below. Look for a verb that means "to give" or "to hand over" like "dar" or "entregar."

Once you've found a suitable verb, you can replace "paso" in the sentence with the new verb. However, it's important to note that relying solely on translation tools may not always provide the most accurate translations. If you want to be sure about the best choice of verb, you can consult a language expert or a native Spanish speaker for assistance.