which of the following expressions shows the equation to use in finding the dimensions of cube n by n by n by n with a volume of 125?

1. n to the third power =125
2. n to the second power= 125
3. 3n=125

is it 1


To find the equation that represents the dimensions of a cube with a given volume, you need to understand the formula for the volume of a cube. In a cube, all sides have the same length, which we represent as 'n'. The volume of a cube is given by the formula:

Volume = n³

Now, we have been given a volume of 125. So, we can set up the equation to find 'n' by plugging in the values:

n³ = 125

Therefore, the equation that shows the dimensions of the cube with a volume of 125 is:

1. n to the third power = 125