from fdr's first inaugral speech ,how did he attempt to win the support of the american people for his leadership during the economic crisis of the great depression

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To understand how President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) attempted to win the support of the American people during the Great Depression through his inaugural speech, you can follow the steps below:

1. Access the text of FDR's first inaugural speech:
- Search for "FDR first inaugural speech" in a web browser.
- Look for reputable sources such as government websites or academic institutions that provide the full text of the speech.
- Navigate to the source that you find most credible.

2. Review the opening of the speech:
- Read the introductory paragraphs. FDR would have started by acknowledging the challenges the nation was facing due to the economic crisis.
- Look for phrases that highlight the severity of the situation and convey empathy towards the American people who suffered from the effects of the Great Depression.

3. Identify FDR's proposed solutions:
- Look for sections where FDR outlines his plans to address the economic crisis and bring relief to the American people.
- Pay attention to his proposals for economic legislation, social programs, and reforms that aimed to revive the economy and provide direct support to individuals.

4. Observe the rhetorical strategies employed by FDR:
- Note any persuasive techniques used by FDR to win the support and confidence of the American people.
- Look for instances of emotional appeal, such as emphasizing shared struggles or using strong, inspiring language.
- Pay attention to his tone and how he conveys his determination and commitment to overcoming the challenges of the Great Depression.

5. Consider the historical context:
- Reflect on the timeframe when FDR delivered his inaugural speech (March 4, 1933).
- Think about the prevailing sentiments and hopes of the American people during that period of intense economic hardship.

By following these steps, you can analyze FDR's first inaugural speech and understand how he attempted to win the support of the American people for his leadership during the Great Depression.