Defamation through speech or another heard medium is known as

A. libel.
B. slander.
C. damage.
D. damage.

my answer B

Right, but what is the difference between C and D? It might help to proofread your questions before you post them.

Your answer, B. slander, is absolutely correct.

Defamation through speech or another heard medium is called slander. Slander refers to making false and damaging statements about a person orally or through any form of spoken communication, such as radio or television broadcasts, public speeches, or conversations. It is important to note that defamation through written or printed statements, such as in newspapers, magazines, or any other form of published material, is known as libel.

To arrive at this answer, you need to understand the definitions of slander and libel. Slander specifically refers to spoken defamation, while libel refers to written or published defamation. By knowing the definitions and understanding the difference between the two, you can correctly identify slander as the answer.