The area of a rectangle athletic field is represented by the expression 12y^3+48^2+24y sqaure meters. write an algebraic expression to represent one possible set of dimensions (in the same sense ''length times width'') of the athletic field. include the correct units with the solution

12y^3 + 48^2 + 24y

Are you sure this is the equation?

If so,
A = Lw

Factor, 12y^3 + 48^2 + 24
12(y^3 + 2y + 192)

L = 12 m^2
w = (y^3 + 2y + 192) m^2

no its 12y^3+48y^2+24y

12y^3 + 48y^2 + 24y

You try now. Hint, factor out 12y first.

To find the dimensions of the rectangle athletic field, we need to factorize the given expression.

The expression representing the area of the athletic field is 12y^3 + 48^2 + 24y square meters.

Let's factorize the expression:

12y^3 + 48^2 + 24y
= 12y(y^2 + 4^2) + 24y
= 12y(y + 4)(y - 4) + 24y

Now, we can identify the factors and assign them as the length and width of the athletic field.

Length = y + 4 meters
Width = y - 4 meters

So, one possible set of dimensions for the athletic field is (y + 4) meters by (y - 4) meters.