a mixture of 1.00 grams hydrogen gas and 1.00 grams helium is placed in a 1.00 L container at 27 degrees cesius. Calculate the partial pressure and total pressure

PV = nRT, calculate partial pressure for hydrogen.

PV = nRT, calculate partial pressure for He.
Total P = PH2 + PHe.

P H2 = 1.23atm

P He = 6.163atm

P total = 7.39atm

To calculate the partial pressure and total pressure of the mixture of hydrogen and helium gas in the given conditions, we can use the ideal gas law and Dalton's law of partial pressures.

1. First, convert the given temperature of 27 degrees Celsius to Kelvin by adding 273.15.
T = 27 + 273.15 = 300.15 K

2. Next, calculate the number of moles of hydrogen and helium gases separately using their molar masses.
Molar mass of hydrogen (H₂) = 2.016 g/mol
Moles of hydrogen = mass of hydrogen gas / molar mass of hydrogen
= 1.00 g / 2.016 g/mol
= 0.496 mol

Molar mass of helium (He) = 4.003 g/mol
Moles of helium = mass of helium gas / molar mass of helium
= 1.00 g / 4.003 g/mol
= 0.249 mol

3. Now, calculate the partial pressures of hydrogen and helium gases separately using the ideal gas law.
The ideal gas law is expressed as: PV = nRT, where P is pressure, V is volume, n is the number of moles, R is the ideal gas constant, and T is the temperature.

For hydrogen gas:
P(H₂) = (n(H₂) * R * T) / V

Substitute the values:
P(H₂) = (0.496 mol * 0.0821 L·atm/mol·K * 300.15 K) / 1.00 L
≈ 12.23 atm

For helium gas:
P(He) = (n(He) * R * T) / V

Substitute the values:
P(He) = (0.249 mol * 0.0821 L·atm/mol·K * 300.15 K) / 1.00 L
≈ 6.091 atm

4. Finally, calculate the total pressure of the mixture by summing up the partial pressures.
P(total) = P(H₂) + P(He)
= 12.23 atm + 6.091 atm
≈ 18.321 atm

Therefore, the partial pressure of hydrogen gas is approximately 12.23 atm, the partial pressure of helium gas is approximately 6.091 atm, and the total pressure of the mixture is approximately 18.321 atm.