45. Anita tiene trece años. Es ____ muy bonita.

a. un compañero
b. una mujer
c. una abuela
d. una muchacha

47. Yo tengo ojos _______ y pelo ________.
a. negros/negro
b. azul/negro
c. pelirrojos/rubio
d. verde/castaño
Not sure between A, B, and D

48. Me encanta esa camisa verde. ¿______tiene también en azul?
a. Los
b. La
c. Lo
d. las

49. "¿Le gustan estos pantalones?"
"¿_____ pantalones? No, no me gustan."
a. Amarillos
b. Estas
c. Esos
d. Las
C or D?

50. "¿Tienes mi suéter nuevo?"
"no, no ________ tengo."
a. las
b. los
c. la
d. lo


55. Me encanta esa camiseta azul. ¿La tiene en ______?

a. amarilla
b. amarillas
c. amarillo
d. amarillos

56. "¿Qué desea?"
a. Busco unos zapatos marrones
b. ¿Cómo te queda?
c. Me gusta la falda roja
d. !Qué barato!


57. "¿Compras ______ calcetines?"

"No, no los compro."
a. esos
b. ese
c. esa
d. esas

58. No puedo esquiar cuando no hay ______.
a. mucha lluvia
b. llueve mucho
c. viento
d. mucha nieve

60. Quisiera ________ contigo.
a. bucear en el mar
b. nada
c. a bucear
d. ninguna parte
I don't understand this one.

47. See 2 nouns? see first noun is plural. see 2nd noun is singular. There is only one answer to fit this. That is a. See why? Don't miss this kind of item again, EVER!

(you just need to see the CUES)

48. see "la camisa" = feminine and singular. Only one choice there. b

49. see "estos" with pantalones? It is masculine, plural. Only one choice. c

Tell you what. This kind of exercise is PERFECT for "Programmed Learning." That means you should keep the exercises WITH the blank space. HIDE the correct answer. Try and keep trying to re do it again until it bcomes a SNAP. (THINK. TRY. VERIFY/CHECK. LATER REDO, etc. Got the idea?)

50. suéter is clearnly singular. What is the gender = masculine or feminine? Look at the adjective "negro" and now you know. B

Everything in Spanish has to do with number (singular/plural) and gender (masculine/feminine) "en garde!"

56. What would you like? = that means someone is asking your preference but they have no idea WHAT. c would be fine IF you were both talking about a skirt. In this case = a (be sure to ask any questions if you do not fully understand)

58. I can't ski.........when? you chose "when there is not a lot of rain" Now think about that. Does it make sense to you? The answer is: d = when there is not a lot of snow

60. I would like...........with you. You don't have to even understand the vocabulary to eliminate 2 choices, IF you realize you MUST have an infinitive (ending in -ar, -er, -ir) and if you know Querer takes no preposition (a, de, en, por, etc.) you can eliminate to the only correct answer = a. The answer choices are:
a. dive/skin dive
b. nothing OR he swims
c. dive/skindive BUT with a preposition that makes it wrong. This is not like: va a bucear (ir + a)
d. no where

Do you understand about "programmed learning?" It can be SO HANDY, especially when studying for a test/exam, etc.


45. The correct answer is "d. una muchacha." To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the sentence and the context. Anita is described as being "muy bonita," which means "very beautiful." From the given options, "una muchacha" is the best fit as it means "a girl" and is commonly used to refer to young girls who are not yet adults.

47. The correct answer is "a. negros/negro." To find the correct answer, you need to match the adjectives "negros" and "negro" with the nouns "ojos" and "pelo." Since "ojos" is plural, the correct form of the adjective would be "negros." On the other hand, since "pelo" is singular, the correct form of the adjective would be "negro."

48. The correct answer is "b. La." To determine the correct answer, you need to analyze the sentence and the context. The speaker is referring to a specific shirt (camisa verde) and asks if they have it in another color (azul). Since "camisa" is a feminine noun, the correct form of the definite article (the) is "la."

49. The correct answer is "c. Esos." To find the correct answer, you need to understand the dialogue. The question is asking if the person likes "estos pantalones," which means "these pants." In response, the person says, "No, no me gustan," meaning "No, I don't like them." To refer to "those pants" in Spanish, you would use the word "esos."

50. The correct answer is "b. los." To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the dialogue. The first person asks if the second person has their new sweater (suéter nuevo). In response, the second person says, "No, no los tengo," meaning "No, I don't have it." Since "suéter" is a masculine noun, the correct form of the definite article (the) is "los."