Fill in the correct answers:

1) Angiosperms is to flower as ______is to cone
2) Dicot is to two seed leaves as______ is to one seed leaf
3) Root is to fern as _____is to moss.

Explain why mosses grow in moist areas.

Thank you




1) Angiosperms is to flower as Gynosperms is to cone.

To answer this question correctly, we need to understand the botanical terms involved. Angiosperms, or flowering plants, have flowers as their reproductive structures. On the other hand, gymnosperms are plants that produce cones as their reproductive structures. Therefore, the correct answer is gymnosperms.

2) Dicot is to two seed leaves as Monocot is to one seed leaf.

To find the correct answer for this question, we should know the difference between dicots and monocots. Dicots are plants that possess two seed leaves, also known as cotyledons, whereas monocots are plants with a single seed leaf or cotyledon. Thus, the answer to this question is monocot.

3) Root is to fern as Rhizome is to moss.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the types of structures involved in ferns and mosses. Ferns have roots, which are underground structures that absorb water and nutrients. Similarly, mosses have a structure called a rhizome, which serves a similar function to roots. Therefore, the answer to this question is rhizome.

Now, let's explain why mosses grow in moist areas:

Mosses are non-vascular plants, which means they do not have true roots, stems, or leaves like other plants. Instead, mosses have rhizoids, which are thread-like structures that anchor the moss to its substrate and help absorb water. These rhizoids require a moist environment to absorb moisture effectively.

Mosses also reproduce through spores, which need a moist environment to germinate and develop into new moss plants. Moisture helps the spores disperse and promotes their growth.

Furthermore, mosses lack a waxy cuticle, a protective layer found in other plants, which helps minimize water loss. As a result, they rely on moisture from their surroundings to prevent desiccation.

Consequently, mosses commonly grow in areas with high humidity, such as forests, damp soil, or near bodies of water where moisture is abundant. They can also be found in shady environments, as these areas tend to retain moisture better than direct sunlight.