5. Choose one of the topics listed below and write a five-sentence paragraph using chronological order

to arrange the details of the paragraph.

a. Signing on to my homepage is simple.
b. Writing a paper takes patience and time.
c. Let me explain how to make my favorite sandwich.

6. Choose one of the following topics.Write an eight-sentence paragraph that fully develops the topic.
a. Following instructions is very important.
b. Advances in technology are making people less social.
c. A high school diploma is important to my future.
d. College is not for everyone.
e. Drunk driving can be stopped.

Please note that we don't do students' homework for them. Be sure to go back into your textbook or use a good search engine. http://hanlib.sou.edu/searchtools/

Once YOU have come up with attempted answers to YOUR questions, please re-post and let us know what you think. Then someone here will be happy to comment on your thinking.

First you have to go to your homepage and go to email and type it in. Next you go to password and type it in and press log in. After you did all of that you are at your homepage. When you have reach your homepage you can go check your mail, friend request, and your status. Last but not least you can go and find friends and family member.

Topic: Advances in technology are making people less social.

Advances in technology have undoubtedly impacted the way we interact with others, and it is evident that they are making people less social. Firstly, the rise of social media platforms has significantly reduced face-to-face interactions. People now prefer scrolling through news feeds and liking pictures rather than going out and meeting friends in person. Secondly, the prevalence of smartphones and mobile apps has further contributed to this trend. Many individuals nowadays are glued to their phones, constantly checking notifications and messages, rather than engaging in meaningful conversations with those around them. Additionally, the prominence of online gaming and virtual reality experiences has also led to people spending more time alone, immersed in virtual worlds, rather than building connections with the real world. Consequently, this continuous reliance on technology has resulted in a decline in social skills, making people more prone to loneliness and isolation. Ultimately, while technology has brought numerous benefits, it is crucial to recognize its negative impact on social interactions and take proactive steps to ensure a healthy balance between the virtual and the real world.

6. a. Following instructions is very important.

Following instructions is an essential skill that plays a significant role in our daily lives. Whether it be assembling furniture, cooking a recipe, or completing a work task, the ability to follow instructions allows us to achieve successful outcomes. Firstly, following instructions ensures efficiency and accuracy. By carefully reading and understanding the instructions, we can avoid mistakes and save time. Additionally, following instructions displays respect and shows that we value the knowledge and expertise of others. It also helps in maintaining safety and preventing accidents, especially in activities like operating machinery or carrying out medical procedures. Furthermore, following instructions fosters clear communication and teamwork by ensuring that everyone is on the same page and working towards a common goal. Overall, developing the ability to follow instructions paves the way for success in both personal and professional endeavors. To improve this skill, it is recommended to read instructions thoroughly, ask for clarification if needed, and practice following step-by-step processes in various situations.