could someone check these answer please?

solve the following proportion for x.
rueben drove 300 miles using 14 gallons of gas, at this rate, how many gallons would he need to drive 210?= 40.3 gallons
solve for v; v^2+v-30=0=v=-6,5

first one:

x/8 = 5/3
3x = 40
x = 40/3

Your second answer should have appeared illogical to you.
If he uses 14 gal to go 300 miles, how could he use about 3 times that much to go only 210 miles

300/14 = 210/x
300x = 14x210
x = 14x210/300 = 9.8 gallons

third is correct

Thanks again Reiny!!

Sure! I can help you check your answers and explain the process.

1. Solve the proportion for x: x/8 = 5/3.

To solve the proportion, you need to cross-multiply and solve for x.

Cross-multiplying, you get: 3x = 8 * 5.

Multiplying, you get: 3x = 40.

Now, divide both sides by 3 to isolate x: x = 40/3.

So, x ≈ 13.33.

2. Calculate the number of gallons of gas Reuben would need to drive 210 miles.

Given that Reuben drove 300 miles using 14 gallons of gas, you can set up a proportion to find the number of gallons needed for 210 miles.

Let's call the unknown number of gallons y.

The proportion will be: 300 miles / 14 gallons = 210 miles / y gallons.

Cross-multiplying, you get: 300y = 14 * 210.

Multiplying, you get: 300y = 2940.

Now, divide both sides by 300 to isolate y: y = 2940/300.

So, y ≈ 9.8.

Therefore, Reuben would need approximately 9.8 gallons of gas to drive 210 miles.

3. Solve for v in the equation v^2 + v - 30 = 0.

To solve this quadratic equation, you can factor it or use the quadratic formula.

Let's use factoring:

The equation v^2 + v - 30 = 0 can be factored as (v - 5)(v + 6) = 0.

Setting each factor to zero gives two possible solutions:
v - 5 = 0 or v + 6 = 0.

Solving these equations, you get:
v = 5 or v = -6.

So the possible solutions for v are v = 5 or v = -6.

Therefore, your answer v = -6.5 is not correct.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.