5square root 27 plus 7 square root 3

You could write it as

5sqrt(9*3) + 7 sqrt3 = 22 sqrt3

The value is 25.981 + 12.124 = 38.154

To simplify the expression 5√27 + 7√3, let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Simplify the square roots
√27 can be simplified as follows:
√(9 * 3) = √9 * √3 = 3√3

Therefore, the expression becomes:
5 * 3√3 + 7√3

Step 2: Combine like terms
We have two terms with the same radical, √3. To combine them, we add their coefficients (numbers in front of the radical):
(5 * 3 + 7)√3 = 15√3 + 7√3

Step 3: Simplify the final expression
Since both terms have the same radical (√3), we can combine them into a single term:
15√3 + 7√3 = (15 + 7)√3 = 22√3

So the simplified expression is 22√3.