________ causes deep currents.

a) Heavy, salty water sinking in the ocean.
b) evaporation of seawater by the sun's rays
c) less salty water rising to replace heavy, salty water
d)all of the above


alrigth thanks and the answer is B

You might still like to check out "thermohaline circulation".

To determine the answer, let's analyze each statement:

a) Heavy, salty water sinking in the ocean: This is indeed a factor that contributes to the formation of deep currents. When water becomes denser due to factors like increased salinity or cooling, it sinks to deeper layers of the ocean, initiating deep ocean currents.

b) Evaporation of seawater by the sun's rays: While evaporation plays a role in the water cycle and the formation of surface currents, it is not directly responsible for the creation of deep currents. The sun's rays can cause surface water to become warmer and less dense, leading to the formation of surface currents.

c) Less salty water rising to replace heavy, salty water: This statement contradicts the concept of deep currents. If less salty water were to rise and replace heavy, salty water, it would disrupt the formation of deep currents. Instead, this concept aligns more with the formation of surface currents, where less dense water rises to replace denser water.

Considering the above analysis, the correct answer is a) Heavy, salty water sinking in the ocean. Therefore, the answer is NOT d) all of the above, but rather a) Heavy, salty water sinking in the ocean.