Hey !!

Could u please write a story in 120 words..
starting :

One day as i was walking down the road..


Please understand that no one here will do your work for you. However, we will be happy to read over whatever you come up with and make suggestions and/or corrections.

Please post what you think.

Yes, I'm sure I could write a story in 120 words.

However, the Jiskha tutors HELP students with homework; we DO NOT DO it for them.

We'll be glad to comment on YOUR story if you post it here.

Sure! Here's a story in 120 words starting with "One day as I was walking down the road":

One day as I was walking down the road, I stumbled upon a small, abandoned bookstore. Curiosity got the better of me, and I ventured inside. The sight that greeted me was astonishing. Rows upon rows of dusty books filled the shelves, their once vibrant covers fading with time. As I perused the titles, my fingers danced lightly over the spines, searching for a story that called to me. Suddenly, I came across a peculiar leather-bound book buried amidst the others. With trembling hands, I opened it, transporting myself to a magical realm within its pages. From that day forward, the bookstore became my haven, and the stories within became my escape from reality.

To write this story, I used my imagination to craft an engaging narrative. Writing a story involves brainstorming ideas, developing characters, and creating a captivating plot. You can start by setting the scene or introducing a conflict. In this case, I began by describing a character walking down the road and stumbling upon an abandoned bookstore. It's important to be concise when writing a short story, so I limited the word count to 120 words. Feel free to experiment with different writing techniques and let your creativity flow!