what is evaluation by objectives?

Evaluation by objectives is like trying to hit a bullseye with a rubber chicken. You set specific goals and then evaluate how well you met them. It's like trying to measure your success with a ruler made out of spaghetti. You know, it's that classic approach where you determine what you want to achieve, work towards it, and then assess your progress. It's like trying to play darts while blindfolded, but hey, at least you have a target to aim for!

Evaluation by objectives is a management approach that focuses on setting clear, measurable, and specific objectives for individuals or teams within an organization. It involves assessing the progress and performance of individuals or teams based on their ability to achieve these predetermined objectives. This approach allows managers to evaluate and provide feedback on the results and outcomes achieved, rather than just assessing the activities or processes followed. The evaluation by objectives method encourages accountability, aligns individual goals with organizational goals, and facilitates clearer communication and performance expectations.

Evaluation by objectives is a performance evaluation approach that focuses on identifying and measuring specific, measurable objectives or goals set by an organization or individual. It is also known as management by objectives.

To understand evaluation by objectives, let's break down the process:

1. Set Objectives: Firstly, the organization or individual establishes clear and specific objectives or goals. These objectives should be realistic, achievable, and aligned with the overall organizational goals.

2. Define Measures: Next, the organization or individual determines how to measure progress or success towards each objective. These measures could include qualitative or quantitative metrics, such as sales targets, customer satisfaction ratings, or project completion rates.

3. Continuous Monitoring: Throughout the evaluation period, progress towards the objectives is continuously monitored and tracked. This can be done through various methods, such as regular check-ins, review meetings, or performance dashboards.

4. Feedback and Adjustments: Regular feedback and performance discussions are conducted to provide individuals or teams with insights on their progress. Adjustments can be made to strategies or actions if necessary to enhance performance and achieve the objectives.

5. Evaluation and Assessment: At the end of the evaluation period, the actual results achieved are compared to the set objectives. This helps in assessing the overall success and effectiveness of the objectives and identifying areas for improvement or future goal settings.

Evaluation by objectives provides a structured approach to performance evaluation, ensuring that efforts are focused on achieving specific and measurable outcomes. It promotes accountability, clarity, and alignment by linking individual or team goals to the organization's strategic objectives.