1.For motor development,the greatest importance for the developing infant is. A.tummy time b.sitting c.crawling d.walking my answer is crawling 2. At what stage does the ability to use imagination begin to develop? A.infancy b.toddlerhood c.preschool d.early elementary my answer is c. Preschool

Someone please check this for me

I agree with both of your answers.

1. When it comes to motor development, the greatest importance for the developing infant is indeed crawling. Crawling plays a crucial role in strengthening the muscles of the arms, legs, and core, as well as in developing coordination, balance, and spatial awareness. Crawling also helps in the development of visual perception, sensory integration, and manual dexterity. To arrive at this answer, one can consider the various milestones and stages of motor development in infants, such as rolling over, sitting, crawling, and walking, and assess the significance and impact of each milestone on overall motor skills.

2. The ability to use imagination begins to develop during the preschool stage. Preschoolers, typically between the ages of 3 and 5, start to engage in imaginative play, role-playing, and creating fictional scenarios. This is a critical stage in cognitive development where children begin to develop symbolic thinking and representational play. Although imagination and pretend play may emerge in earlier stages, it is during the preschool years that children's imagination becomes more elaborate and complex. To determine this answer, one can refer to child development theories, observations of children's play behavior, and understanding the sequential progression of cognitive abilities in early childhood.