People weigh 6 times as much on Earth as they do on the moon.Mr.Marks weighs 180 pounds on Earth.How much would he weigh on the moon?

180/6 = ?


To calculate Mr. Marks' weight on the moon, we will use the information given, which states that people weigh 6 times less on the moon compared to their weight on Earth.

Step 1: Determine the weight on the moon
Since Mr. Marks weighs 180 pounds on Earth, we need to calculate what his weight would be if it were reduced by 6 times.

Weight on the Moon = Weight on Earth / Reduction ratio
Weight on the Moon = 180 pounds / 6

Step 2: Calculate the weight on the moon
Weight on the Moon = 30 pounds

Therefore, Mr. Marks would weigh 30 pounds on the moon.