Which pair of numbers is equivalent to 47.5%

A. 457/100, 0.475
B. 475/100, 475
C. 475/1000, 4.75
D. 475/1000, 0.475

Which pair of numbers is equilvalent to 47.5% A.475/100,0.475 B.475/100,475 C.475/1000,4.75 D.475/1000,0.475

go sub

To find the pair of numbers equivalent to a certain percentage, we need to convert the percentage to fraction or decimal form. In this case, we want to find the pair of numbers equivalent to 47.5%.

To convert a percentage to decimal form, divide the percentage by 100. In this case, 47.5 divided by 100 is 0.475.

Now, let's look at the answer choices to find the pair of numbers that includes 0.475.

A. 457/100, 0.475 - This option includes 0.475, so it could be a possible answer.

B. 475/100, 475 - This option has 475 as one of the numbers, which is not equivalent to 0.475. So this option is not correct.

C. 475/1000, 4.75 - This option has 4.75 as one of the numbers, which is not equivalent to 0.475. So this option is not correct.

D. 475/1000, 0.475 - This option includes 0.475, so it could be a possible answer.

Based on the analysis, the pair of numbers that is equivalent to 47.5% is option A: 457/100, 0.475.

What do you think?

Do you Divide?

The question doesn't really call for any math process.

It's asking you for the decimal equivalent and fraction for 47.5%.

Multiply by 100 or move the decimal point two places to the left to find the decimal equivalent. Then read that number in words.

Study this site.


ok thanks