The average of the first 4 numbers is 14. The average of the next 6 numbers is 25. What is the average of all 10 numbers. Can you explain how to calculate this please.

4 * 14 = 56

6 * 25 = 150

150 + 56 = 206

206 / 10 = 20.6

To calculate the average of all 10 numbers, you need to find the sum of all the numbers and then divide that sum by 10. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Let's start by finding the sum of the first 4 numbers:
- The average of the first 4 numbers is given as 14.
- Multiply the average (14) by the number of elements (4) to find the sum of the first 4 numbers: 14 * 4 = 56.

2. Next, let's find the sum of the next 6 numbers:
- The average of the next 6 numbers is given as 25.
- Multiply the average (25) by the number of elements (6) to find the sum of the next 6 numbers: 25 * 6 = 150.

3. Now, let's calculate the sum of all 10 numbers:
- Add the sum of the first 4 numbers (56) to the sum of the next 6 numbers (150): 56 + 150 = 206.

4. Finally, find the average of all 10 numbers:
- Divide the sum of all 10 numbers (206) by the total number of elements (10): 206 / 10 = 20.6.

Therefore, the average of all 10 numbers is 20.6.