A tree is 25 7/12 feet high. Richard cuts off the top 8 7/8 feet. How tall is the tree now?

17 17/24 feet
16 17/24
17 7/24 feet
16 7/24 feet

16 17/24 feet

To find the height of the tree after cutting off the top, subtract 8 7/8 feet from the original height of 25 7/12 feet:

25 7/12 - 8 7/8

Convert both fractions to twelfths to make it easier to subtract:

25 7/12 = 25 14/24
8 7/8 = 8 18/24

Subtract 18/24 from 14/24:

14/24 - 18/24 = -4/24 = -1/6

Subtract 8 from 25:

25 - 8 = 17

So the new height of the tree is 17 - 1/6 feet, which is equal to 16 17/24 feet.