When you first get your instrument, the amount of work that it takes to learn to play well may discourage you from trying at all, but don’t give up! There are many ways that you can improve your playing. You can take lessons, you can learn to play with a friend, or you can join your school’s music program. These approaches may help, but the most important thing that you can do is to stick with it. Practice playing your instrument every day and you will learn how your instrument works. Once you know your instrument, you’ll be able to make playing look easy.


Problem and Solution

Compare and Contrast


Cause and Effect



First, when you first get your instrument, it may be overwhelming to learn how to play.
Next, you can try taking lessons or learning with a friend to improve your skills.
Then, joining your school's music program can also help you progress.
Finally, the most important thing is to stick with it and practice every day. With time and dedication, you will learn how your instrument works and be able to play it with ease.