How did Tejanos react to the Anglo-American culture after Texas became a state. (Page 13

After Texas became a state, Tejanos initially struggled to maintain their cultural identity in the face of the dominant Anglo-American culture. Many Tejanos faced discrimination and prejudice from the influx of Anglo settlers, who viewed them as inferior and not fully American.

Despite these challenges, Tejanos managed to adapt to the new culture while also preserving their own traditions. They continued to speak Spanish, practice Catholicism, and celebrate their unique heritage through food, music, and other cultural practices.

Over time, Tejanos became more integrated into Anglo-American society and played a significant role in shaping Texas' diverse cultural landscape. Despite the initial struggles, Tejanos ultimately found a way to embrace both their Hispanic roots and the new American culture that now surrounded them.


Tejanos initially faced discrimination from Anglo settlers after Texas became a state, but they managed to adapt while preserving their cultural traditions. They continued to speak Spanish, practice Catholicism, and celebrate their Hispanic heritage. Over time, Tejanos integrated into Anglo-American society and played a significant role in shaping Texas' diverse cultural landscape.