absurd hypothetical questions

1. What would happen if every person in the world turned into a different animal for a day?

2. What if gravity stopped working for a day and people started floating off into space?

3. What if the Earth suddenly started spinning in the opposite direction, causing time to flow backwards?

4. What if everyone on Earth suddenly lost the ability to speak and had to communicate using only gestures and facial expressions?

5. What if all the water in the world turned into jelly?

6. What if trees started walking around like animals and decided they didn't want to be cut down anymore?

7. What if the concept of money suddenly disappeared and people had to find a new way to exchange goods and services?

8. What if all the world's animals suddenly gained human-level intelligence and started forming their own societies?

9. What if humans suddenly developed the ability to teleport anywhere in the world at will?

10. What if the sun suddenly went out and plunged the Earth into darkness and cold?