George is seven years old, and he's at risk for delay in several areas. The family has just moved to a new community with few resources. He received assistance as an "at-risk" student in his previous school. According to IDEA(2004),

George may qualify for services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) if he meets the criteria for one of the disability categories listed in the law. Some of the categories include speech or language impairment, intellectual disability, developmental delay, and emotional disturbance. It is important for George's family to communicate with his new school and seek an evaluation to determine if he is eligible for special education services. The school will work with the family to develop an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) that outlines the supports and services George needs to be successful in school. Additionally, the family can also explore other resources in the community, such as early intervention programs or local agencies that provide services for children with disabilities. By advocating for George and seeking out available resources, his family can help him reach his full potential and thrive in his new community.