om would like to really improve his typing skills, but he has soccer practice and rocket club and also likes to play video games with his friends, so he only practices once a week. What does Tom need to do to improve his skills?

(1 point)

invest more time in consistent practice

invest more time in consistent practice

learn more shortcuts

learn more shortcuts

get a better keyboard

get a better keyboard

quit all his other activities

Tom needs to invest more time in consistent practice to truly improve his typing skills. While learning shortcuts and getting a better keyboard can also help, consistently practicing is the key to improvement. If he is serious about improving, he may need to reevaluate his priorities and make more time for practicing typing.

Adam’s typing teacher always tells him to focus on accuracy instead of speed. What is one reason she says this?

(1 point)

Most typing programs correct errors for you.

Most typing programs correct errors for you.

Making errors slows you down.

Making errors slows you down.

Speed doesn’t really matter.

Speed doesn’t really matter.

Accuracy decreases your productivity.

The reason Adam's typing teacher tells him to focus on accuracy instead of speed is because making errors slows you down. While typing programs may correct errors, having to go back and fix mistakes can be time-consuming and inefficient. By focusing on accuracy, Adam can increase his overall typing speed in the long run.

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Sometimes Phillip starts typing too fast and makes mistakes, so he has to rely on the Backspace and Delete key for what?

(1 point)





positioning his fingers

positioning his fingers

error correction

Phillip has to rely on the Backspace and Delete key for error correction when he types too fast and makes mistakes. These keys allow him to go back and fix any errors he may have made while typing. Practicing accuracy and taking the time to type correctly can help reduce the need for frequent use of these keys.

What is a rate of typing called?

(1 point)

timed writing

timed writing






The rate of typing is called speed. It refers to how fast a person can type accurately over a certain period of time. Speed is an important factor in typing proficiency, but accuracy is also crucial for effective communication.