How did John Paul II’s focus on interfaith unity help him support the independence movements in Eastern Europe?(1 point)


His work with religious leaders provided him credibility that made people listen to his message about the treatment of religious individuals under communist regimes.
His work with religious leaders provided him credibility that made people listen to his message about the treatment of religious individuals under communist regimes.

The work he did with leaders of other faiths gave him the opportunity to recruit supporters for the cause and bring attention to treatment of religious minorities in Eastern Europe.
The work he did with leaders of other faiths gave him the opportunity to recruit supporters for the cause and bring attention to treatment of religious minorities in Eastern Europe.

Speaking with other religious leaders gave him the opportunity to learn about how other religious groups were treated under the communist regimes and inspired his activism on behalf of the independence movements.
Speaking with other religious leaders gave him the opportunity to learn about how other religious groups were treated under the communist regimes and inspired his activism on behalf of the independence movements.

The work he did with leaders of other faiths gave him the opportunity to preach about the treatment of religious groups under communism and bring attention to the independence movements.

The work he did with leaders of other faiths also helped to create a united front against the oppressive communist regimes in Eastern Europe, as different religious groups came together to support the struggle for independence. This unity and solidarity among different faiths strengthened the movement and helped to garner international support for the cause.