What can disrupt the readers ability to understand an authors writing?

There are several factors that can disrupt a reader's ability to understand an author's writing, including:

1. Complex or unfamiliar vocabulary: If an author uses words that are difficult to understand or not commonly used, it can make it challenging for readers to grasp the meaning of the text.

2. Poor organization or lack of structure: If an author's writing is disorganized or lacks a clear structure, it can be difficult for readers to follow the flow of the text and understand the main points being presented.

3. Dense or convoluted sentences: If an author's writing is filled with long, complex sentences that are hard to follow, it can hinder the reader's comprehension of the text.

4. Lack of clarity or coherence: If an author's writing is unclear or lacks logical coherence, it can make it difficult for readers to make sense of the content.

5. Cultural or contextual barriers: If an author's writing contains references to specific cultural or historical contexts that are unfamiliar to the reader, it can impede their understanding of the text.

6. Lack of background knowledge: If readers do not have the necessary background knowledge or context to understand the subject matter being discussed in the writing, it can hinder their comprehension.

7. Bias or subjective language: If an author's writing is biased or filled with subjective language, it can cloud the reader's judgment and make it harder for them to discern the facts or main arguments being presented.

Overall, clear and concise writing that is well-organized, uses familiar language, and provides necessary context can help ensure that readers are able to understand an author's writing effectively.