A plumber charges $25 for a service call plus $50 per hour of service. Write an equation in slope-intercept form for the cost, C, after h hours of service. What will be the total cost of 8 hours of work?(1 point) Responses h= 25C + 50; $250 h= 25C + 50; $250 C=50h + 25; $425 C=50h + 25; $425 C=50h + 25; $250 C=50h + 25; $250 h=25C + 50; $425 h=25C + 50; $425

C = 50h + 25

To find the total cost of 8 hours of work, plug in h = 8 into the equation:

C = 50(8) + 25
C = 400 + 25
C = $425

Therefore, the total cost of 8 hours of work will be $425.