unit 7 lesson 5

surface area of rectangular prisms practice

use the image to answer the question
1mm., 4.5mm., 5mm.

what is the surface area of the rectangular prism?

_ mm. ^2

To find the surface area of a rectangular prism, you need to calculate the area of each face and then add them together.

In this case:
- the front and back faces have dimensions of 1mm by 5mm, so their total area is 2 * (1mm * 5mm) = 10mm^2
- the top and bottom faces have dimensions of 4.5mm by 5mm, so their total area is 2 * (4.5mm * 5mm) = 45mm^2
- the left and right faces have dimensions of 1mm by 4.5mm, so their total area is 2 * (1mm * 4.5mm) = 9mm^2

Adding all these together:
10mm^2 + 45mm^2 + 9mm^2 = 64mm^2

Therefore, the surface area of the rectangular prism is 64 mm^2.