The poems in this unit express appreciation for

(1 point)

the poor.
the poor.

the value of work.
the value of work.

things of value.
things of value.

the question of value.

the value of work.

In Guy de Maupassant’s “The Necklace,” what opinion of Mme. Loisel emerges from the narrator’s description of her thoughts and actions?

(1 point)

Mme. Loisel is ridiculously self-important.
Mme. Loisel is ridiculously self-important.

Mme. Loisel is ungrateful towards her family.
Mme. Loisel is ungrateful towards her family.

Mme. Loisel is an unlucky woman who deserves better.
Mme. Loisel is an unlucky woman who deserves better.

Mme. Loisel is a very refined woman who leads a simple life.

Mme. Loisel is ridiculously self-important.

In their selections in this unit, O. Henry and Guy de Maupassant both employ

(1 point)

highly imaginative metaphors.
highly imaginative metaphors.

surprise endings.
surprise endings.

odd themes.
odd themes.

distinctly American settings.

surprise endings.

Which of the following selections presents a tone comparable to that in O. Henry’s “The Gift of the Magi”?

(1 point)

"The Necklace"
"The Necklace"

"I Hear America Singing"
"I Hear America Singing"

"To Be of Use"
"To Be of Use"

"Fabric of Their Lives"

"The Necklace"

Which of the following themes is NOT contained in “The Necklace”?

(1 point)

Appearances are deceiving.
Appearances are deceiving.

Hard work shapes a person's character.
Hard work shapes a person's character.

People should learn to appreciate what they have.
People should learn to appreciate what they have.

Envy makes people lose sight of what is really important.

Hard work shapes a person's character.