Many experts have recommended discontinuing the use of plastic straws because they hurt the environment. In 3–5 sentences, describe how you would conduct a research project about the effects of plastic on the environment.(4 points

To conduct a research project on the effects of plastic on the environment, I would first conduct a thorough literature review to understand the existing research on the topic. I would gather data on the production, usage, and disposal of plastic items such as straws and their impact on the environment. To collect primary data, I would conduct surveys or interviews with experts in environmental science, waste management, and marine biology. I would also consider conducting experiments to assess the decomposition rate of plastic in different environments and its effects on wildlife. Finally, I would analyze the data collected to draw conclusions and make recommendations for mitigating the negative impacts of plastic on the environment.


To research the effects of plastic on the environment, I would review existing literature and gather data on plastic production, usage, and disposal. I would interview experts in relevant fields and conduct experiments to assess plastic decomposition and its impact on wildlife. Analyzing the data collected would allow me to draw conclusions and suggest ways to mitigate plastic's negative effects on the environment.