Theo, ara, Jose and Dana all got 100 percent on their latest math test. Their scores on the previous six test are listed. Whose mean test scores will increase the most? Jose: 91,93,97,96,96,96. Dana: 68,74,83,80,81,82. Theo: 84,88,81,85,77,76. Ara: 100,98,99,97,100,100.

To find out whose mean test scores will increase the most, we need to calculate the mean test score for each student for the previous six tests and then determine the increase in mean after adding the perfect score from the latest test.

For Jose:
Mean of first six test scores = (91+93+97+96+96+96) / 6 = 569 / 6 = 94.83
Mean after adding the perfect score = (569+100) / 7 = 669 / 7 = 95.57

The increase in mean for Jose = 95.57 - 94.83 = 0.74

For Dana:
Mean of first six test scores = (68+74+83+80+81+82) / 6 = 86.33
Mean after adding the perfect score = (86.33+100) / 7 = 86.33

The increase in mean for Dana = 86.33 - 86.33 = 0

For Theo:
Mean of first six test scores = (84+88+81+85+77+76) / 6 = 84.33
Mean after adding the perfect score = (84.33+100) / 7 = 84.33

The increase in mean for Theo = 84.33 - 84.33 = 0

For Ara:
Mean of first six test scores = (100+98+99+97+100+100) / 6 = 99
Mean after adding the perfect score = (99+100) / 7 = 99.57

The increase in mean for Ara = 99.57 - 99 = 0.57

Therefore, Jose's mean test score will increase the most with an increase of 0.74.