Kayak innovator Oru had a vision of making the water more accessible for all. After conducting

extensive market research, they produced a foldable fleet of attractive kayaks, compact and
light weight, that don’t compromise on safety or performance. In short, they made the perfect
product for their users. Which aspect of product development did the Oru team MOST excel
(1 point)
Creating brand loyalty among early adopters
Designing both a core and augmented product
Understanding the potential of new technology
Consulting with customers to understand their needs

Consulting with customers to understand their needs.

By conducting extensive market research and understanding the needs and preferences of their target market, Oru was able to create a product that perfectly catered to their customers. This not only helped them develop a product that filled a gap in the market, but also ensured that they built brand loyalty among early adopters who appreciated the innovative design and functionality of the kayak.