How did George H.W. Bush go from being very popular with Americans to losing the election in 1992?

There were several factors that contributed to George H.W. Bush losing the election in 1992 after being very popular with Americans. One of the main reasons was the state of the economy at the time. The country was in the midst of a recession, and many Americans were struggling financially. This led to a feeling of dissatisfaction with the Bush administration's handling of the economy.

Additionally, Bush faced criticism for breaking his promise not to raise taxes, which alienated many conservative voters. He also faced criticism for his handling of foreign policy issues, including the Gulf War and the situation in Somalia.

Furthermore, Bush was running against a charismatic and young Democratic candidate, Bill Clinton, who was able to connect with voters in a way that Bush struggled to do. Clinton's message of change and hope resonated with many Americans, leading to his victory in the election.

Overall, a combination of economic issues, broken promises, and a strong challenger contributed to George H.W. Bush losing the election in 1992.