How does “Jabberwocky” draw upon the myth of the hero?


A Like a hero, the boy seems unsure of the nature of his enemy.Like a hero, the boy seems unsure of the nature of his enemy.

B Like a hero, the boy has a difficult time completing his task.Like a hero, the boy has a difficult time completing his task.

C Like a hero, the boy undertakes a quest to do battle with evil.Like a hero, the boy undertakes a quest to do battle with evil.

D Like a hero, the boy listens to tall tales of strange creatures.

C Like a hero, the boy undertakes a quest to do battle with evil.

In "Jabberwocky," the protagonist embarks on a quest to slay the Jabberwock, a fearsome creature representing evil. This aligns with the myth of the hero, who often sets out on a dangerous journey to face and defeat a powerful adversary. The boy's bravery and determination to confront the Jabberwock, despite the challenges and dangers he faces, further emphasize his heroic qualities.