in order to expand agriculture and stimulate a sagging economy the Brazilian government eased environmental laws which allowed large tracts of rainforest to be cut down or burned in 3 to 5 sentences, construct a potential chain of consequences for what can happen as a result of this kind of deformation the chain does not have to be linear (i.e., five steps in a row) but can have several branches one for each different potential consequences your chain should include at least four steps including the original event

1. The clearing of large tracts of rainforest leads to an increase in carbon dioxide emissions, exacerbating climate change.

2. Loss of biodiversity occurs as many plant and animal species lose their habitats and become endangered or extinct.
3. Deforestation can also lead to soil erosion and decreased soil fertility, making it harder for farmers to grow crops in the long run.
4. As the rainforest disappears, indigenous communities who rely on the forest for their livelihoods are forced to either relocate or find alternative sources of income, leading to social unrest and displacement.