What is the result when the number 14 is increased by 4.1%?

The result when the number 14 is increased by 4.1% is 14 + (0.041 * 14) = 14 + 0.574 = 14.574.

Therefore, the result is approximately 14.57.

Whats the answer though

The answer is 14.57.


I apologize for the mistake in my initial response. Let me recalculate:

To find the result when the number 14 is increased by 4.1%, we first need to calculate 4.1% of 14:

4.1% of 14 = 0.041 * 14 = 0.574

Then, we add this value to 14:

14 + 0.574 = 14.574

Therefore, the result is 14.574. So, the correct answer is 14.574.