"According to Islamic teachings, what is the view on participation in sorts and physical activities?"

In Islamic teachings, participation in sports and physical activities is seen as a positive and encouraged practice. The Prophet Muhammad himself encouraged physical fitness and engaging in activities such as horseback riding, archery, swimming, and wrestling. Islam promotes a healthy lifestyle that includes taking care of one's physical health and well-being.

Participating in sports and physical activities is also emphasized as a means of building discipline, teamwork, perseverance, and good sportsmanship. It is believed that by maintaining a strong and healthy body, one is better able to fulfill their religious duties and serve their community.

However, it is important to note that Islamic teachings also emphasize modesty and maintaining appropriate behavior while participating in sports, especially in mixed-gender settings. Additionally, any physical activities that may harm oneself or others are discouraged. Overall, the view on participation in sports and physical activities in Islam is positive, as long as it is done in a way that aligns with Islamic principles and values.