A bag contains 7 red marbles, 12 white marbles, and 9 pink marbles. Find P(red or pink) (1 point)

To find the probability of drawing a red or pink marble, we first need to calculate the total number of marbles in the bag.

Total number of marbles = 7 red + 12 white + 9 pink = 28 marbles

Next, we calculate the probability of drawing a red or pink marble by adding the number of red and pink marbles and dividing by the total number of marbles:

P(red or pink) = (7 red + 9 pink) / 28 total marbles
P(red or pink) = 16 / 28
P(red or pink) = 4 / 7

Therefore, the probability of drawing a red or pink marble from the bag is 4/7.