What situation would make a royal family capture a peasant and keep her

There are a few scenarios in which a royal family might capture and keep a peasant:

1. The peasant has committed a serious crime against the royal family or the kingdom, such as treason or murder, and needs to be captured and detained for legal proceedings.

2. The peasant possesses valuable information or intelligence that the royal family wants to extract from her, either through interrogation or torture.

3. The peasant is believed to have special abilities or powers that could be of use to the royal family, such as magical abilities or healing powers.

4. The royal family is corrupt and wants to exploit the peasant for their own personal gain, such as using her as a slave or forcing her to work for them against her will.

In any case, the capture and imprisonment of a peasant by a royal family would likely be seen as an abuse of power and a violation of human rights.