Create a vocabulary list/glossary of three (3) key vocabulary words/phrases related to your social justice issue: Gender inequality For each term/phrase:

Explain what the term/phrase means in your own words. Provide useful illustrations, symbols or scenarios to help you explain.
Explain why understanding this term/phrase is important for being an ally

(Simple enough that you thinnk a student can think of)

1. Gender Stereotypes

- Gender stereotypes are widely held beliefs or assumptions about how individuals should behave based on their gender. These stereotypes often limit people to traditional roles and expectations, such as women being nurturing and emotional while men are strong and stoic.

Illustration: In a school setting, a teacher may assume that boys are better at math and science while girls are more suited for art and literature, reinforcing the stereotype that boys are naturally more inclined towards STEM fields.

Importance for being an ally: Understanding and challenging gender stereotypes is important for being an ally because it helps to break down harmful expectations and norms that contribute to inequality. By recognizing and addressing stereotypes, allies can promote a more inclusive and equitable society for all individuals.

2. Wage Gap
- The wage gap refers to the disparity in earnings between men and women, where women are typically paid less than their male counterparts for equivalent work. This gap is often attributed to factors such as discrimination, occupational segregation, and lack of access to higher-paying industries.

Illustration: In a workplace, a female employee and a male employee with the same qualifications and experience may be paid different salaries, with the male employee earning more simply because of his gender.

Importance for being an ally: Understanding the wage gap is important for being an ally because it highlights the systemic inequalities that women face in the workforce. By advocating for equal pay for equal work, allies can help create a more fair and just society for all individuals.

3. Gender Identity
- Gender identity refers to an individual's internal sense of their gender, which may or may not align with the sex they were assigned at birth. Gender identity is separate from biological sex and can encompass a range of identities beyond just male and female, such as non-binary, genderqueer, or transgender.

Illustration: A person assigned female at birth may identify as a man, while another person assigned male at birth may identify as non-binary, illustrating the diversity of gender identities beyond the binary understanding of gender.

Importance for being an ally: Understanding and respecting gender identity is important for being an ally because it affirms the autonomy and dignity of individuals to self-define their gender. By supporting and affirming diverse gender identities, allies can help create a more inclusive and accepting environment for all individuals, regardless of how they identify.