For educational purposes, children who are blind must use Braille.

Braille is a system of raised dots that can be read by touch, allowing individuals who are blind or visually impaired to read and write. It is crucial for children who are blind to learn Braille from a young age in order to effectively access information and communicate with others.

By learning Braille, children who are blind can become literate, independent, and successful in their education and future endeavors. It is a vital skill that enables them to excel in school, navigate their surroundings, and participate fully in society.

Educators and parents of children who are blind should provide opportunities for them to learn and practice Braille regularly. This may involve using Braille books, tactile materials, and specialized devices to develop their reading and writing skills.

Overall, Braille is essential for the educational development and success of children who are blind, as it opens up a world of opportunities and allows them to reach their full potential.