If foundation phase learners are given a function of inputs( 1,2,3) and outputs (1,8,27) what will be the rule? And how will it be explained to learners

The rule for this function would be that the output is equal to the input raised to the power of 3. This can be written as f(x) = x^3.

To explain this to foundation phase learners, you can use a concrete example. For input 1, the output (1^3) is 1. For input 2, the output (2^3) is 8. And for input 3, the output (3^3) is 27. So, by raising the input number to the power of 3, we get the corresponding output number.

You can also use visual aids such as blocks or drawings to help demonstrate this concept. For input 1, you can show one block representing 1 cubed equals 1 block. For input 2, you can show two blocks stacked on top of each other representing 2 cubed equals 8 blocks. And for input 3, you can show three blocks in a row representing 3 cubed equals 27 blocks. This can help make the concept of raising a number to a power more concrete and understandable for young learners.