Decribe how you currently are expected to clean the wall ,floors and drains. Now compare the method you have to use with what you have just learnt.


Currently, I am expected to clean the walls by scrubbing them with a sponge and cleaning solution, then rinsing them off with water. For floors, I am supposed to sweep or vacuum them first, then mop them with a cleaner. And for drains, I am instructed to pour a drain cleaner down the drain and let it sit for a certain amount of time before rinsing it with water.

From what I have just learned, I can see that these methods are effective in removing dirt and grime, but they may not necessarily be the most environmentally friendly or sustainable. I have learned about using natural cleaning solutions like vinegar and baking soda for walls and floors, which are gentler on the environment. I have also learned about using a drain snake or plunger to unclog drains rather than harsh chemical cleaners. Overall, I can see that there are more eco-friendly ways to clean walls, floors, and drains that I can implement in my cleaning routine.