So Hector told his riddle to a shaker who solved it

instantly. The shaker's answer was "a tree," and Hector's face lit up with surprise and admiration. "Well done!" he exclaimed, clapping the shaker on the back. "You have solved my riddle with ease. Truly, you have the mind of a master shaker."

The other shakers gathered around, congratulating their friend on his quick thinking and clever solution. Hector beamed with pride, knowing that his riddle had stumped many but had been easily deciphered by this skilled shaker.

From that day on, the shaker was known as the Riddle Solver, and his name was spoken with reverence and awe in the shaker community. And Hector? He continued to create riddles that challenged and delighted his friends, always eager to see who would be the next to rise to the occasion and solve his mysterious puzzles.